Wednesday, January 7, 2009

Kshitij 2009, IIT KHARAGPUR, 29th Jan to 1st Feb, 2009

As the sun sets on the weary highlands, the shadows lengthen and the Horizon merges into nothingness. Night glides into day like it never existed. The world is lulled into a depressing sense of being in the doldrums.And then walks in the first ray that illuminates the Horizon- Kshitij. Indeed, as the fateful day dawns at Kharagpur, the youth is filled with a much needed sense of dynamic enthusiasm. Kshitij 2009 promises to see a lot of the wealth of experience sprinkled with the vivacity and exuberance of the youth.

Kshitij 2009 has already embarked on it’s voyage. A workshop on ‘Computer Security and Ethical Hacking’ by esteemed alumni of IIT Kharagpur and Fellowship rewards for the brightest brains. As is now the norm so far as Kshitij is concerned, the workshop was, needless to say, a grand success.

Beware, for Kshitij 2009 comes at you with a barrage of new events, guest lectures, workshops and megashows. Be it in the political or social arena, be it tech-savvy or management, Kshitij 2009 has it all, and a lot more...


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