Monday, December 14, 2009

Sparx 2010, ISM Dhanbad, 24th-27th February, 2010

Bored out by the monotonous college schedule? Are lectures frying you out? Still sledging the minimal-use course stuff?

An average college student spends around 3500 hours-only attending lectures during his engineering course.

Sparx-2010 brings you the perfect opportunity to channelize all the above “WET-WARE“ into creative use. Sparx, covering such diversified range of stuffs that it leaves none with his field interest uncovered. Right from Robotics to paper meets, software to hardware, quizzes to vocabs, on spot hungama to online stuffs-there is something for everyone.

Go there, Discover and Enjoy !!!! :-) :-)



Peeyush.. said...

Dates of Sparx are changed to 24th-27th February. Please update the same.

Peeyush.. said...

Dates of Sparx are changed to 24th-27th February. Please update the same.

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